Table des matières

Filtre WMI

Les filtres WMI permettent d'appliquer une GPO à un groupe donné.

Éléments sélectionnés Filtre
Tous postes de travail Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where DomainRole=0 or DomainRole=1
Tous les serveurs Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where DomainRole<>0 and DomainRole<>1
PC Portables Select * from Win32_Battery where BatteryStatus<>0
PC Fixes Select * from Win32_Battery where BatteryStatus=0



Permet de connaitre le rôle d'un poste sur le domaine.

Valeur Description
0 (0x0) Standalone workstation
1 (0x1) Member workstation
2 (0x2) Standalone server
3 (0x3) Member server
4 (0x4) Backup Domain Controller
5 (0x5) Primary Domain Controller



Valeur Description
1 The battery is discharging.
2 The system has access to AC so no battery is being discharged. However, the battery is not necessarily charging.
3 Fully Charged
4 Low
5 Critical
6 Charging
7 Charging and High
8 Charging and Low
9 Charging and Critical
10 Undefined
11 Partially Charged